Monday, November 19, 2007

"I don't know how to view a rough cut lady"

I got a kick out of this spoof radio spot. I'm sure we've all ran into people like this who can't seem to connect any dots inside their head. We have Bryce Randle to thank for this clip. It's just an audio file, but I found it easier to embed a video than a link to a hosted audio. Anyone know a better way than posting an audio file?


:: Jacob ::

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Music for your Media

Demae Japaneses Restaurant, Provo

Micah Anderson, Garrett Batty, Zach Batty, Michael Kingsley, Michael Eager, Jacob Hoehne, Cammon Randle, Jarom Brand, Skyler Jeppson.

Music for your Media

We recently moved offices - just down the complex. We're now in 1346 W. State in PG. We've liked having more elbow room and more of a place to bring clients.

I didn't opt for the Sushi - but maybe next time I'll be more adventurous.
I've had a lot of Korean, Thai, and Chinese, but that was my first time eating Japanese food. Good stuff.

Our discussion started out trying to piece together the best way to network workstations. XSan is great if you've got the +20K for the whole shooting match. Our resident Mac guru, Mike Kingsley, said the jury was still out on NAS drives. What we have set up at Issimo is four workstations connected via a gigabit Ethernet switch with our main Capture Scratch set up on an eSata drive. It works great for DV and even DVCPro HD editing, but as Zach and Garrett can attest, it's lacking when it comes to 10 bit Uncompressed footage.

Cammon has had a good experience with screen capture on the Mac with an application called iShowU. The industry standard, Camtasia, is still only PC compatible.

Micah shared his expertise on music for media. As Akira Kurosawa said, the music is half of what you see. You should check out his stock music on his site. He's been patient with me as we pull together our Mormon Myths documentary that I've asked him to score. Anyone find some hard evidence on the performance rights question?

One thing I came away with was a sense that I should consider music earlier in the creation process and perhaps bring a composer on-board earlier (less common with corporate video) or have music in mind as it is being created on paper.

What are your thoughts?


: : Jacob : :