Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Lunch with Orange Soda

Last Wednesday was our monthly lunch meeting, held at Applebees. Ian Elmer of Orange Soda spoke to us about Pay Per Click (PPC) marketing, and shared some great insight about the do's and do not's of that strategy. I know that my eyes were really opened up to the skill and fine tunning it requires to run an effective online campaign.

The meeting wrapped up with Michael, fellow CoNNECTiSSiMO member, and also of Orange Soda, talking about Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and how to unlock the enigma of the natural search.

I think all of us can agree that the various industries represented in CoNNECTiSSiMO are moving online, especially when it comes to acquiring new clients. This was a great reminder that if you aren't riding the wave, you are drowning in the froth.

1 comment:

Jacob @ Issimo Productions said...

I was probably embarrassed to admit how little I knew about Search Engine Optimization and Pay Per Click. There are definitely times where clients could have benefited from those services.

I'm amazed at how much there is to consider with a website. For what I'm trying to accomplish with my site (mainly an online portfolio) I've wondered if doing more to make it seen would be worth it. What I came away understanding was that if I want more people to come to my site, I have to make things worth visiting and update content often.

Are any of you using SEO or PPC to drive traffic to your sites? What's been your experience?
